Saturdays - 10:30 AM - Storytime with Carol & Friends starts up again on Saturday September 21.

Friday, October 4, 3:45 PM - French films for children beginning 10/4 and then every first Friday of the month

Wednesday, October 2, 6:15-7:30 - Chess with National Chess Master Manuel Ugarte, all levels and ages welcome.

And much more, see below for details about regular weekly programming and special activities coming in the fall.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Week and Monthly Fall Activities at the Carroll Gardens Library

There are so many great events and activities for all ages going on at the Carroll Gardens Library this fall.  Here is a schedule and you can always find out about new programs by taking a look at the new outdoor bulletin board and stopping into the branch:

Regular programming includes:

Monday - Babies and Books - limited seating begins 9/16.  Two sessions: 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM and 11:15-12:00 pm. Birth-18 months.

Monday - Writing for Seniors - 1pm- 3pm.
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday - Senior Wellness - 10 AM.

Tuesday - Knitting Group - 4 pm - All ages.

Tuesday - Book Adventures starting 9/24 - Read aloud and book based craft/activity. 4 pm-5pm - Ages 6-12.
Wednesday - Chess With National Chess Master Manuel Ugarte starts 10/2 - 6:15-7:30 pm - All ages and levels welcome.

Wednesday - Writing Memoir Group - 5 pm - 7 pm - Adults.
Thursday - Toddler Time - limited seating begins 9/16 - Two sessions: 10:30 AM-11:15 AM and 11:15-12 pm.  19 months to 3 years old.
Friday - Arts and Crafts 1 pm- 2:30 pm. Ages 2 and up.

Friday - French films for children - first Friday of each month, beginning October 4.  3:45 pm - Ages 6-10. (monthly program)
Saturday - French storytime, first Saturday of every month, 10:30 AM -11 am.  Babies and toddlers. (monthly program)

Saturday - Storytime with Carol and Friends, read aloud and art/craft activity. 10:30 AM, Ages 4-6.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Welcome Back from the Summer!

It feels like the end of summer when New York City public school children head back to class - there's an energy in the air that makes it more like new year sometimes even more than January 1.  We hope everyone did their summer reading and that you got some of your books out from the library this summer!

For those who were away for part of the summer, here are a picture of the beautiful new bookshelves that Friends of the Carroll Gardens Library was able to purchase for the children's section.  They are low so kids can reach the books - fancy that!  And they are solid and will last in our library for many years to come.

The Friends group was able to buy these shelves through our fundraising efforts, particularly our big book sales over the past two years.  We wanted to contribute some lasting to the library branch and were so happy to acheive this goal.

Since the beginning of the summer there have been other changes at the library including the installation of self checkout machines and other renovations.  In addition the head librarian who began at Carroll Gardens in January 2013, has moved on to a different job so we are waiting to hear about the new Neighborhood Library Services manager.  We will post the news as soon as we get any information.  Good luck to Molly, she was great and we'll miss her!

Finally, the Friends group is planning activities for the fall including starting up our monthly movie series' for children in multiple languages.  We'll continue the English and French films that were so popular last year and we are planning films in Spanish and Italian as well.  When we have confirmed dates we will post that too.

Our next general meeting will be Wednesday, September 18 at 6:30 downstairs at the library.  Everyone is invited!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Summer Reading Kick off Party - Thursday, June 6 2 PM- 4 PM

The Carroll Gardens library will be closed from Saturday June 8-Sunday July 7, re-opening on Monday July 8 at 10 AM. The closure is for the installation of self-check out machines, a slot for quick return of books, and reconfiguring of the circulation desk and some other areas of the main floor.

BUT FIRST, Dig Into Reading at the Summer Reading Kick-Off Party at the library on Thursday, June 6 from 2PM- 4 PM (it's Anniversary Day so public schools are closed). 

Our wonderful librarians, Molly Pudner, Neighborhood Library Supervisor and Juana Flores, the children's librarian, have fun plans to usher in the summer including book giveaways, games, a face-painting station, a "pledge to read station", a "clay" station and discovery zone for interactive play; and a library scavenger hunt, all with this this year's theme "Dig Into Reading". The Friends group proudly supports Summer Reading and our branch's kick-off party with donations and volunteer support.